‘MODUS’ — an exhibition that reflects on the processes that take place within slow, handmade craft and circular design practice.
We would love to invite you to this two-day exhibition which will be showcasing a collection of works from cross-disciplinary design practice. Through ‘MODUS’ we want to celebrate the art of tactile and slow craft while encouraging you to reflect on how we engage with materials and matter.
For further details on the planning of Modus please visit: https://www.are.na/modus-exhibition/exhibition-2020

Poster design by, Molly Warden, Sophie Wells and Lucy Revell.

Setup on opening day at Willis York

Team Modus on opening night.
Left to right; Mia Henderson, Ina Kleinsman-Hill, Lucy Revell, Molly Warden, Lydia Paine, Sophie Wells and Rhyana McNab

A successful event with over 100 guest attending the opening night of MODUS